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Suspect arrested after breaking into a hardware business in Verulam

A suspect who had been breaking into a hardware business for over a week was apprehended by the owner of the business in the Verulam CBD during the early parts of this morning.

At approximately 02:08 members of Reaction Unit South Africa were dispatched to the scene after receiving a call from the businessman requesting assistance to recover the stolen items. Upon arrival Reaction Officers found that the suspect (pictured) had already been apprehended by the victim. During an interview the suspect confirmed that he and an accomplice were behind the break-ins. They stole various items in small quantities to avoid raising suspicion. The incident was captured on CCTV.

The businessman explained that while driving in the Verulam CBD this morning he spotted the suspect and apprehended him. The suspect led Officers to a bush near the Verulam Bus Rank where some of the stolen items were recovered. The stolen items included several Moon Discus Locks and paint brushes. The remaining items were sold to random unknown individuals and could not be recovered.

The suspect supports his addiction by stealing from homes and businesses as well as robbing unsuspecting individuals who patronise the Verulam CBD.

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