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Robbers open fire on Reaction Unit SA Officers in Canelands

An armed robbery suspect opened fire on Reaction Officers during a foot chase in Canelands, Verulam – KZN.
Members of Reaction Unit South Africa were called out to a block manufacturing company on Old Main Road in the vicinity of the Canelands Library after receiving reports of an armed robbery.

Upon arrival it was established that three suspects had entered the premises and held up the owner and two other individuals. One suspect was armed with a firearm while his accomplices were armed with knives. They robbed the victims of an undisclosed amount of cash and their cellphones before they fled the scene on foot.

Reaction Officers obtained a clothing description of the suspects and went in search of them. While on patrol they noticed the robbers fleeing along a railway line in the Canelands area. Officers abandoned their response vehicle & pursued the suspects on foot. During the foot chase one suspect opened fire on Reaction Officers who returned fire.

The suspects then entered an informal settlement when Officers lost sight of them. Several back up Officers converged at the scene and an extensive search was conducted however the robbers were not located.

Reaction Officers were not injured during the shooting.

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