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Suspected drug dealer bust at an apartment on Mahatma Gandhi Road

On 28 February 2020 police officers from the Provincial Drug and Firearm Unit arrested a 35-year-old suspect for being in possession of drugs at an apartment on Mahatma Gandhi Road. Police uncovered a mini-lab operating from the apartment.

Rock cocaine; cocaine powder; nine bottles containing trace amounts of cocaine; a scale and a plate as well as a blade with cocaine residue were seized by police. The items seized by police are estimated at R48,000-00. The suspect was charged and will appear in the Durban Magistrates Court on Monday, 2 March 2020.

The KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Commissioner, Lieutenant General Khombinkosi Jula commended the police officers for the arrest. These types of operations are continuing to deliver blows on drug dealers in the province. We repeat our call to ordinary citizens to keep our children and loved ones away from the clutches of these drug peddlers and to work with law enforcers to destroy their structures,” he said.

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