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Police confiscate drugs with a street value of R37 000 and arrest 179 suspects during weekend operations

The deployment of various police units in crime-ridden areas yielded positive results following the confiscation of drugs with an estimated street value of R37 000 and the arrest of 179 suspects on various charges during crime combating operations which were conducted in the Southern Cape over the past weekend.

On Friday, 15 May 2021, members attached to the Knysna Crime Prevention Unit responded to a tip-off when they conducted an operation at a house at Reenboog Street, Hornlee (Knysna). Upon searching the premises the members found drugs stashed in the bedroom of the house. The police confiscated 105 Mandrax tablets, a bag consisting dagga, 10 parcels of dagga, and 18 bags of Tik valued at about R35 000. A 35-year-old man was arrested on a charge of dealing with drugs.

Meanwhile, Eden Cluster Crime Combatting Team members strategically deployed in Oudtshoorn and Thembalethu (George) since Friday, 14 May 2021, arrested 8 suspects for possession of drugs and 5 on charges of possession of dangerous weapons during stop and search operations. The vigilant members confiscated small quantities of Tik and Mandrax tablets. Members also confiscated dangerous weapons including an ax, a hunting knife, and three Okapi knives during these arrests.

The other arrests related to crimes that were reported in the area since the commencement of the weekend.

All arrested will appear in the various local courts once charged.

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