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Suspect arrested for possession of suspected stolen property

A 28-year-old suspect has been charged by the Chatsworth Police Task Team for being in possession of suspected stolen property with an estimated street value of R 100 000-00. On 8 September 2021, the Chatsworth Police Task Team heeded the call made by SAPS management to monitor cellphone towers in the policing precincts. Whilst the members were conducting patrols, they noticed a suspicious person loading contents into a vehicle. However, the suspect fled as he noticed police approaching. The team seized a white bakkie together with six cellphone tower batteries, 20 cellphones, and one soundbox. Police established that the items were stolen from Arena Park in Chatsworth.

Whilst at the station, one of the cellphones rang. Upon answering the phone by a member of the Task Team, a complainant alleged that he was at the Chatsworth Police Station to open a case of theft of the motor vehicle. The vigilant team established that the complainant was attired with the same clothing as the suspect who had fled from police at the Lusaka Informal Settlement. The suspect was arrested and placed in detention.

The suspect will appear at the Chatsworth Magistrates Court in due course.

The Station Commander of SAPS Chatsworth Brigadier James commends the team for their vigilance whilst executing their duties. The teams are strategically and operationally deployed in the precinct to reduce crime, with the intention of making Chatsworth a safer suburb.

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